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notions / Re: Divorce, cheating, and inf...
Last post by prime - Jul 06, 2024, 08:54 AM
QuoteA majority of states also allow fault divorce, where one party can claim reasons like adultery, abandonment, long-term incarceration or cruelty.

"Cruelty – and more specifically, causing a spouse unneeded pain, whether emotional or physical — is typically the most common grounds for a fault divorce.," says Thomas A. Ramuda Jr., a divorce attorney based in Colorado.
notions / DiversityWatch (July 3, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 03, 2024, 04:16 PM
DiversityWatch (July 3, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


Our first task in righting the West will have to be genetic health.
notions / DiversityWatch (July 2, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 02, 2024, 02:34 PM
DiversityWatch (July 2, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


The greatest risk to the Right right now is the Right itself
notions / Re: DiversityWatch
Last post by prime - Jul 01, 2024, 01:15 PM
DiversityWatch (July 1, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


If the other guy does not believe in the equals sign, we go to war with him.
notions / Flecktarn (July 1, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jun 30, 2024, 05:28 AM
FLECKTARN (July 1, 2024)
a journal of the blindingly realistic


Probably as a result of controversy between Jews and Jewish Christians, the Emperor Claudius expelled all Jews from Rome in 49-50 A.D.


"Everyone is treated the same, or equality demands that people be treated differently in order to produce the equality."


Academics have tried to repeat McKinsey's findings and failed, concluding that there is in fact no link between profitability and executive diversity.


He blamed a Jewish judge and Jewish jurors for his conviction, saying that they sought retribution against him after he had agreed to meet with the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.


Three in 10 Americans say they attend religious services every week (21%) or almost every week (9%), while 11% report attending about once a month and 56% seldom (25%) or never (31%) attend.


A central problem with both the "psychopathic" and the "psychotic" analysis of Hitlerism is that their approach to intellectual history is far too individualistic.


With her husband's lifeless body in the garage, Seaman left for work at Longacre Elementary, but came back during lunch.


How paid informants infiltrated the Aryan Nations through Atomwaffen at the behest of FBI director Robert Mueller.


At the core of nihilism is a distrust of human perception for its inherent bias toward rationalization.


PACR is understood as a specific type of controlling parenting behaviour where parental appreciation is dependent on the child meeting the parent's expectations in the academic domain.


DiversityWatch (July 1, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


If the other guy does not believe in the equals sign, we go to war with him.


(c) copyright 2024 transcendental realism liberation front (TRLF)
support / Is There Such An Element (pres...
Last post by prime - Jun 29, 2024, 08:38 PM
Is There Such An Element (presence) As Nothingness?

QuoteThis is not a question coming from my curiosity but from very wise physicists who have very in-denth probing minis the definition of nothing gonna  keepds about the Universe, including the Infinite Space-Time Universe, which is without a beginning, to be proved not to be nothing without a  beginning coming from to become something to return from something to become nothing with an end, a paradox of logical reasoning with no rationality to support its nothingmess claim.

 Now, what need to happen is a decision is gonna need to be made about  whether or not the definition of nothing is to remain as is since a question is being asked can something come from nothing and is there such a presence as nothingness.that can produce something?

My thinking with thoughtful reasoning logially and rationally is the question is moot, with nothing you don't have something nor anything to be a competition  with, it;s  a nonstarter, you can't pull something out of nohing and turn around and claim to use that something to prove nothing is with a presence, not existence, a presence, now is useful coming from nothing to be in possession of something to become a tangeable matter of fact.

As it stand now in the community of Rational Logical Thinking reasoning , there is no such an element nor presence as nothing, by definition it;s a n optical, senseusal illusion born in the imagination of its maker,which can never leave that attachment because it's never there, nothing has no relvancy, not in any dimension, is not anything and now the talk is  about Terrence 1x1=2, then I guess I can since I don't count, share, o x o =, infinity, everything, it is in possession of everything  but is of the all  of anything, leaving nothing that can be compared .

June 24, 2024
notions / Re: DiversityWatch
Last post by prime - Jun 28, 2024, 10:38 AM
DiversityWatch (June 28, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


Voters treat government like a concierge. In their view, they pay it money, so it should do things for them personally.
notions / Re: Divorce, cheating, and inf...
Last post by prime - Jun 28, 2024, 08:40 AM
I love to watch it all burn.

QuoteWhile plenty of happy couples can trace their meet-cute moment to an online dating app, many others find the never-ending process of likes, swipes, taps and awkward DMs that go nowhere to be exhausting — leading to a phenomenon known as "dating app burnout."

QuoteMercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.

QuoteCox's book is a feminist take on anger-inducing life experiences; from unresolved feelings about miscarriage and loss, to the sometimes maddening business of looking after toddlers, feeling undermined at work, partners failing to pull their weight at home, sexual harassment and violence. Her argument is essentially that it is hardly surprising many women are hopping mad and that their suppressed feelings eventually burst out, sometimes with toxic consequences. She is fascinated by the phenomenon of women becoming online trolls, venting spleen under the cover of anonymity. ("I think trolling is a horribly brilliant way of being able to enact that destruction, but invisibly," she says.)

QuoteWhy is this (prostitution -- Ed.) different from the four guys I've slept with prior to dating you?

QuoteThe "just sex" excuse misses what is the truly important issue in these cases. It is the total lack of respect it shows for the partner. The cheater knows what they are doing is wrong and would hurt the other person. Otherwise, they would be doing it in the open and I would have known all along.

Quote"Sylvia's cheating was bad enough to end the marriage all by itself, of course, but her lying about it was ten times worse. That showed a total lack of respect, a disregard for me almost to the point of contempt. But the very worst thing of all, which was a hundred times worse than THAT, was that she'd manipulated me into being complicit with her lies. She used my feelings for her against me. She turned me against myself, and then watched me drive myself mad. I became unfocused. Dissociative. I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't. I distrusted and second-guessed myself about everything. I found myself gazing off into space and becoming unresponsive to what people were saying to me. I was depressed. I was isolated. I was miserable. I broke out into tears, just for no reason, without knowing why.

"Sylvia saw it, of course. She saw the changes in me. She'd ask me 'what's wrong?' and I couldn't tell her, because my suspicions made me a BAD MAN. So I sucked it up, repressed it, and made it worse. She knew what she was doing to me, because she's not stupid, either... and yet she kept right on doing it. She watched herself torture me, encouraging me to believe I was crazy, and jealous, and WRONG to think the evil thoughts that I just could not keep out of my stupid, insecure head. Good husbands TRUST and have FAITH in their wives and would never, ever, EVER believe that they'd betray you like that... and she Did Not Stop. I mean, how can you claim to love someone, to care about them, and yet still do that? How could she keep it up, week after week, month after month, and keep on doing it with no end in fucking sight?

"The answer, as it turned out, was that she's a sociopath."

QuoteThe term "gaslighting" was not yet widely in use during the nineties, but that was what had been done to me. If I voiced any concern, it was dismissed as silly. If I became accusatory, I was merely jealous. If I was depressed, I was imagining things. Above all else, any failure on my part to trust her and believe her meant that I was a bad husband, a bad man, and a generally awful person, because she promised up, down, and sideways that I had "Nothing To Worry About." I was convinced I'd gone mad. The level of betrayal I was experiencing was unfathomable, therefore it COULD NOT be real. I HAD to be imagining it. The worst part is that she watched herself do it to me. She saw me twisting at the end of her rope, beating myself up with my own misplaced faith in her, and she had no intention of ever stopping it.
support / Ghana President Calls for Slav...
Last post by prime - Jun 27, 2024, 09:17 PM
Ghana President Calls for Slavery Reparation!

QuoteRight here is where I toot my own horn, I am the most in-depth advocate for Chattel Slavery Reparation Repatriation and the Ghana President should be on the phone right now with me to get the most fulfilling explanation about why chattel Slavery Reparation should not be allowed to come across the tongue of Black Afrikans without having its companion Repatriation and know why and what for Reparation Repatriation must be used for and for whom and where.
enslavement reparation repatriation is to be used.

Only an idiot and a racist disapprove the payment of chattel slavery enslavement reparation repatriation and all who do should be locked up for committing the crime of hate or need to be admitted to a mental illness ward.

I am with self-comfort with sharing to be in support of the payment of our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation until I make it a practice not to engage with the naysayers  to the payment of our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation so much so until I choose not to enter into an exchange with such haters of Black Afrikans and self regardless of racial ethnic.

The payment of Chattel Slavery reparation repatriation is justified act of asking for forgiveness for the evil crime committed aginst Black Afrikans  for selfish prejudice purpose to generate selfish gain by instituting the action of chattel enslavement against Black Afrikan people knowing there will be no consequence from such behavior toEnslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation, the one issue that reveals who in the world thrive off of Racism, Prejudice against Black Afrikan people be against the perpetrators of  the enslavement of Black Afrikan people.

The Diaspora Afrikans, the off-spring of  our Enslaved Ancestors should be  allowed to lead the charge to collect our enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation, never has there been a  crime so henious committed against a Nation of people based on the fact that they wear the birthmark of the Godly Infinite Unniverse, their pigment lackness, the sacredness of the Infinite Universe.The fight to resurrect Afrika and to unify the Black AfrikanNation has begun, or should I share should have begun because  it's a  pity and ashame how we Black Afrikans reveals our self-hatred there should have beenBlack Afrikans across Afrika listening and supporting the president of Ghana address in favor of Chattel Slavery Reparation Repatriation!!! osiris

June 27, 2024
art / Re: Death Metal Underground
Last post by prime - Jun 27, 2024, 08:28 PM
It's a big problem with the job. Most of it is listening and then delivering two-line summaries of the unworthy just to find a few decent exceptions.