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support / The Universe Acquaintance I Se...
Last post by prime - Jul 13, 2024, 09:26 AM
The Universe Acquaintance I Seek Is Infinite Dark Space-Time Energy Intelligence Infinitum

QuoteThe Universe Acquaintance I Seek Is Infinite Dark Space-Time Energy  Intelligence Infinitum.

Why is it that Black Afrikan people always want to get white folks' approval about everything that we do in relationship to believing which means we abandon the desire to know in exchange for belief and never feel mentally independent and strong in revealing how we think, just believe about the presence of things that are importance to us Black Afrikans.

There are enough of us Black Afrikans on earth to establish what is to be our own parameters about things that are important to us Black Afrikans. Still, oh no, we have turned our organic mind over to a group of people referring to themselves as white people. We act as if white people are the authority of the corner of esoteric empirical thinking and dole out to whoever comes the handicap of mind stuck in believing our way through the act of living with life.

Take Terrence Howard for a prime example. I am not judging whether Terrence is right or wrong about what he is claiming to know about the physical universe and that is where everybody's attention is because nobody is an authority about the Infinite Dark space-time existence that is God in Eternal existence, so what happened, white folks put a price on believing and came up with means and ways of figuring and believing about the physical universe and required for thinking to be used to bump into the truth about where everything physical in the physical dimension come from and to engage in such discussion you must be a certified intellectual professional in whatever field of science you claim to know about using white folks ground rules about your belief about what you are interested in.

Mind you now, this is about the so-called knowledge you claim to believe about knowing about physical things and their origin and meaning and purpose for being in the physical dimension.

Terrence errored in seeking white folks' peer review status for the way he addresses himself about things in the physical dimension and now he is finding out that is a club belonging and is controversy smart to being geniusesl by white folks claiming to be very smart to being geniuses.

In the physical dimension white folks have set the ground rules for acceptance so now Terrence finds himself being treated like the melanin-American grown up to be a white folks caliber negro but without the acceptance of a thinking nor believing Black Afrikan and even we Black Afrikans have moved away from our genetic universal heritage, our Blackness from which our informational knowledge comes!

July 13, 2024
notions / DiversityWatch (July 12, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 12, 2024, 03:41 PM
DiversityWatch (July 12, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


The only actual way out of the totalitarian cycle is realism.
art / Re: Bizarre Affect
Last post by Güertena - Jul 12, 2024, 12:04 PM
Album has been uploaded to Soundcloud. The final release of Bizarre Affect is upon the world and the collective shall now disband; we will not log onto this forum again.

notions / July 11, 2024
Last post by prime - Jul 11, 2024, 09:55 PM

DiversityWatch (July 11, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


He wants to disengage from everything but his own convenience, and to stop thinking so hard.
notions / Flecktarn (July 16, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 11, 2024, 09:48 AM
FLECKTARN (July 16, 2024)
a journal of the blindingly realistic


"If you or I drove across the United States, we'd be fairly easy to follow. We use credit cards and telephones. But this guy takes trains, uses no credit cards, doesn't use checks. It's kind of like chasing a ghost."


"We're carrying on," said historical society president Richard Dillman, 80, who learned Morse code as a boy. "Morse code is not dead."


This article shows how the World Economic Forum is transforming the acerbic language of Greta Thunberg into the basis for what is called the Great Reset, a set of policies that will enable the state and select businesses and NGOs to monitor and track the population and eliminate dissent.


Henry Sweet's A Student's Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon (1896)


Now, ladies, it is paramount to treat your husband's penis with affection, tenderness and respect.


My dad was a jazz trumpeter playing with people like Glenn Miller but the war broke out and he ended up [becoming a founding member of the CIA].


Riffing off the melody of guitars, he expands the space of sound with dynamic contrast.


Very simple forms of matter could create detectable gravitational wave backgrounds soon after the Big Bang.


Our study replicates prior GWAS findings associated with testing positive for COVID-19 among mostly White samples and extends findings at three loci to Black and Hispanic individuals


In the rush to prove bias in a scientist who erroneously used skull-size measurements to demonstrate racial differences, the great historian Stephen Jay Gould may have succumbed to bias himself.


"New York City, where I live, has more than 8 million residents, and apparently I did not know even one who'd be willing to grab a beer with me on a Tuesday night."


He wants to disengage from everything but his own convenience, and to stop thinking so hard.


The only actual way out of the totalitarian cycle is realism.


DiversityWatch (July 16, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


All of these handy arguments for Texas boil down to a single quest: raise costs.


(c) copyright 2024 transcendental realism liberation front (TRLF)
notions / DiversityWatch (July 10, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 11, 2024, 12:39 AM
DiversityWatch (July 10, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


Over time, all human groups invert.


The official narrative about Hurricane Beryl is wrong, as usual.


The Framers never intended us to have anything like "equality."


American democracy came undone in the 1860s when radical Republicans decided that human rights were more important than culture.
support / The All Encompassing Zero
Last post by prime - Jul 10, 2024, 11:57 PM
The All Encompassing Zero

QuoteThe Misconception that zero signifies nothing, it is to have zero having no meaning as a matter of fact it ain't present and in the number system, it represents nothing,

How can nothing play a part in being nothing?

If nothing ain't there then you ain't got something to identify nothing by.

I will take the opposite position about the value of Zero, it is the sum total of everything before becoming a matter of the value of anything, being with something, never nothing, which is not relative and is not present only something goes into where there is no plus or minus, no front or back the infinite angel zero owns all numbers it is where everything is without limit or boundaries and extend in a forward presence being with no starting nor ending point all being from a zero presence representing everything, never nothing into something.

Mankind creates the value of the created number system or shall I share the lack of a value given to what mankind has settled for Zero is about nothing but is infinite to all that comes from the angel zero in possession of everything and is without limit. from one into infinity..

Zero encompasses all things to be something being Everything, never Nothing to represent nothing, which is an insult to the God of Any, All And Everything, never nothing.

July 10, 2024
support / Life, Being, Living, All Based...
Last post by prime - Jul 09, 2024, 10:41 AM
Life, Being, Living, All Based Upon A Dark Energy Spatial Time Frequency.

QuoteAll that is of a Matter of fact in the presence of Dark Energetic space-time, all consisting of the frequency that was used to bring you into living form, everything in the presence of Darkness is subject to that Infinite Intelligent existence, something our most Ancient Ancestors long ago was given knowledge of because they carried themselves in a mind capacity that qualified the body to be receptive of the energy that was Electromagnetism Gravitational performance associated with your body structure.

A Knowledge that people wearing the eternal makeup of Darkness the central Energy source you no longer show respect because you have allowed the presence of matter in so-called Human Form to come in between that which is eternal Divine by that which is disturbing profane, meaning living behaving contrary to being in Harmony, Order, And Balance to the Divine Godly Dark Spatial Energy Frequency that is the Godly Energy source, Spatial Timely Darkness.

You Black Afrikans no longer seek the knowledge that comes from the Divine Compass, it knows the relativity of infinite Divinity, Harmony, Order and Balance, Divine Energy that needs to be in contact Divinely with the Body organs, can you innerstand that?

I just share with you that which esoterically comes to me to share, giving no thought about what your state of mind reaction to Divine information will be, I seek no accolades from the matter of fact in physical form, my submission is to the knowledge given to me to have about the Infinite Universe based on the use of Divine Thnking about that which energize m with interest cncerning God Dark Spatial Timing Energy having no expiration date but to matter on the physical level does, so we live only for a moment given the ability to experience the Divine sensation that comes from Divine Thinking beloved. Osiris Akkebala
First seek you your Freedom, Done so bybeing organized and aware of your relationship to the inert Ethereal Presence of the Godly Darkness which Lucifer has succeeded in having you to despise and that is why Afrika is as it is, you no longer is with the fire in your mind to know what is and why!

July 9, 2024
notions / Normies and jobs
Last post by prime - Jul 09, 2024, 07:57 AM
It seems to me that, to conservatives, jobs are not fun and only the profit motive is going to excite us enough to actually work.

For liberals and others -- not sure who this group is or their political alignment, but a lot of women and deskjob men -- work is a social event. They would go anyway because they have nothing better to do with their time and they get a positive charge out of the interaction.

art / Re: An uninitiated Hermetic ex...
Last post by Flying Kites - Jul 08, 2024, 05:30 PM
Christopher Cilician, July 8th, 2024, 0000, Missoula, MT, USA

Father's home. Relation to myself unknown as in automatic, uninitiated, dog like. Clutter in the home, items scattered. Sleeping comfortably upon the floor, no bother the disarray.


deer bodied, jackal eyed or dogged, wheat for hair, domesticated in a cage
otter cat, absolutely loveable
large, domestic, black American short hair, cat, also loveable


Familiars: my home, my people, myself, my world. Cataclysm from Space asteroids. The story of one family's destiny to outpace the destruction of their world through rebirth of themselves and the world via some assimilating process. Can often go awry, mistakes having been made. Learn humility. Secrets safe. She Lives.


I am in a white room with diffuse light, apparently a 1990s styled suburban American cookiecutter house, the closet of which, large, walk-in, possibly 5 yards long by 4 yards wide and a little less than that tall. The floors and walls are bare. Few items, seemingly children's toys alternate on the wire wrought shelving where clothing normally hangs, a moment there and a moment gone. I am removing the room. I am again experiencing the event of March 6th, 2024 at about 0000 or 0200 in Missoula, MT, USA. More on the experience later.

In about as chronological as I can describe:
Sleeping on the floor in my father's home. We are about as familiar to each other as dogs are which would be absurb for humans, and getting along better given the situation. (Point to be made there) Cluttered, scattered home. Most rooms in the sequence of dreams are American modern suburban.

A room of warm light. Father possibly nearby. The deer jackal's eyes are real. It seems trapped behind its bisquit wheat hair as much as the cage. The otter cat imbued myself with a feeling of intense love. A sense of direct communication with it as it clung to me with sharp claws. The black cat was a more familiar animal to the Earth and I loved it no less than the otter cat. It also clinging to me.

Emerging into the next dream is confused and may both precede and accede my emergence from the closet dream. I am in a beautiful world in a beautiful home with beautiful people. We each know the same thing but are each our own as much as the other which is the best paradox. Secrets are known and are no less secret. Something is at work, for soon enough mountains begin exploding and the sky darkens, massive rocks barely repelled by invisible force. The world, these people, and myself are disintegrating but doing so willfully and with the conscious ability to reform. I mean disintegrating like a rock becoming sand. At first the violence becomes real, people cling and mingle with others. Those who know are easily able to become the dissolution. We reform on this "other side" creating a world out of a desert. Some don't make it back whole, often a complete mess, the best accept it with simple minds and pass on. They are put to rest.

The memory so fresh, I seemed to want to return to that dream again and again seeing what more we could create but I was in a closet in an ugly American modern bourgeois existence. So I suppose I tried to gain that familiarity again that I had known with them, and otter cat. My senses were exploding once more such as on March 6th except I was certainly dreaming unlike lying down on the floor with my eyes closed. The effect was much more potent possibly for having a couch to sleep on. I was removing the closet, almost dissolving it through the light of my eyes. The trembling of the body and roaring noises were still present and just as fierce as last time. I became afraid of the sensations, so I projected an image of a powerful beast into the fog ahead of me where it was joined to the fog and was more of a guarding presence then. I was just recently in a closet, and yet I am not certain what I then felt except that I was going to return to wakefulness and that I could have done more, and I remained there remembering those others who were so much as I am, but different in that weird, life-like way.