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notions / DiversityWatch (August 5, 2024...
Last post by prime - Aug 05, 2024, 10:48 AM
DiversityWatch (August 5, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


How a Black lawsuit changed indentured servitude into chattel slavery
notions / Flecktarn (August 5, 2024)
Last post by prime - Aug 03, 2024, 03:21 PM
FLECKTARN (August 5, 2024)
a journal of the blindingly realistic


_The Economist_ tracks the economy through the cost of a McDonald's "Big Mac" worldwide.


Along the way, the FBI and the Austrian would seed faulty tech to Moscow and its allies; drain the Soviet Bloc's coffers; expose its intelligence officers and secret American conspirators; and reveal to American counterspies exactly what tech the Soviets were after.


A 1970s smart watch.


Archaeologists found evidence of hydraulics in Egyptian pyramids.


He was an irreligious Jew, but he remained faithful to the materialism of his tradition, insisting that he craved "eternal life here rather than somewhere else."


How manuevering in the chip market limited the speed of a chip, and why it was less important than people thought.


DiversityWatch (August 5, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


How a Black lawsuit changed indentured servitude into chattel slavery


(c) copyright 2024 transcendental realism liberation front (TRLF)
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notions / DiversityWatch (August 2, 2024...
Last post by prime - Aug 02, 2024, 05:00 PM
DiversityWatch (August 2, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


Pipe tobacco for the intrepid.
notions / Re: DiversityWatch
Last post by prime - Jul 31, 2024, 05:06 PM
DiversityWatch (July 31, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


Diversity erases what was there, and replaces it with a hybrid.
support / The Crime Committed By America...
Last post by prime - Jul 30, 2024, 08:06 PM
The Crime Committed By America Against Afrika And Black Afrikan Universal People

QuoteThe goal of any proud Black Afrikan in and out of Arika is freedom to be in A United States Of Afrika with a unified Black Afrikan Nation with Afrika being for the Black Afrikan and anybody against such frreedom for Black Afrikans is a enemy to Afrika and Black Afrikan people.

Why America Will Remain a white racist prejudiced Cultural Government and Black Afrikans with Black- self Guilt for not trusting white people and fighters for freedom to be in Afrika.

All Black Afrikans need to read this and commit to becoming Thinkers again , which will have you not be with a Self-Black Afrikan Guilt amid white ethno-centralism.

I adhere to Black Afrikan Pan One Afrika Family - OAFn Nationalism Universalism, so I do not allow the deceiving white Liberal Racist Prejudice to entangle my Divine Mind with the foundation of Thinking, which most Black Afrikans don't do anymore.

The thing that reveals white racist prejudice is Liberalism, be you Liberal, Conservative, or all in between, all being an act of racial prejudice deception with the proof being the present condition of Afrika and Black Afrikans living today in an environment of phony liberalism meaning the way white people view and behave toward Black Afrikans and Afrika.

You see, it is white people shrouded in their racist prejudice, white people have developed a color when directed at Black Afrikans, they are the devil personated and Satan, along with it, this a true statement, I know it is because of the liar and deceiver Luciferin with a history of being the Destructor of Black Afrikan Afrika Civilization, and I am not asking if this is a true statement, I know it is.

I am not here to placate to white people made out of Racist prejudice so Black Afrikans can be painted with such a broad brush who came to Afrika and did take away our identity and Land topping it off by entangling the mind of Black Afrikans so not to be again with universal dignity with self-respect.

You see, white people are those who consciously rreferred to themselves as being white because they knew they were going to paint the energy of Black Afrikan Universal people with such a broad-brush using the shade to be referred to as being Black, which is the identity of the Godly Space-Time intelligent Infinite Universe, the God presence in such a way and use the discussion of Black Afrikans in such a prejudice way it will have the world developing a behavior toward the shade Black to be of the most evil of a performance i any and every category of self-destruction, implying there ain't nothing Good to ever come from the shade Darkness its the garment of evil and Black Afrikans are the personification of that evil.

So, I have shared this truth with you to let white people know they will always be a racist prejudiced country until she humbles herself to repent for the evil she has done and still do against Black Afrikans and Afrika, this Divine Truth, about America and About Chattel Slavery and Colonialization of Afrika the way she has destroyed an entire Black Nation, and Continent by implementing the barbarous behavior of racist prejudice will follow America to the end of Time until there is a settlement of mutal agreement between the Diaspora Afrika and the Afrikan in Afrika there will never be a cessation of ememity between Black and white people and ain't no civil rights will ever be enough to correct the wrong Chattel Slavery and the Colonialization of Afrika has suffered.

The call with demand of Reparation Repatriation ain't ever going no where not until those two wrongs are settled and there is no negro can erase that fact, no matter how much the negro scratch his but and look down rubbing their head when confronted by white oligarchys!

July 30, 2024
notions / Flecktarn (July 31, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 30, 2024, 01:52 PM
FLECKTARN (July 31, 2024)
a journal of the blindingly realistic


Remembering BBS life at 2400bps


G-files were the library of early hackers.


What were BBSes, and why do people miss them?


Intuitions we have about the way the world works rarely conflict with our everyday experience.


Social death follows when being labeled a "bad" activist or simply "problematic" enough times.


The kafkatrap is a form of argument that is so fallacious and manipulative that those subjected to it are entitled to reject it based entirely on the form of the argument.


But has it devolved into simply shutting down all dissenting ideas?


DiversityWatch (July 31, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


Diversity erases what was there, and replaces it with a hybrid.


(c) copyright 2024 transcendental realism liberation front (TRLF)
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support / Kamala is a danger to Black Af...
Last post by prime - Jul 29, 2024, 07:39 PM
Kamala is a danger to Black Afrikan Nationalist Diaspora Afrikans Unniversal people

QuoteKamala reveals the mental illness of Black Afrikans who will vote for her, to vote for Kamala is to vote for Joe.

July 29, 2024
support / The Negro Ain't Gonna Save You
Last post by prime - Jul 29, 2024, 10:45 AM
The Negro Ain't Gonna Save You

QuoteMy beloved Black Afrikan Family, hear me and do so with innerstanding, the survival of Afrika as a Black Afrikan Continent depends on how you accept this I am about to share with you, remove all of your irrational emotions out of the way which you have fallen victim to in the way you respond to situations that you be confronted with.

The leader of the negro brigade is the United States Of America, they are who know who you Black Afrikans are and after being able to break into the mind of our Ancient Ancestors and stole the Divine Knowledge about the Existence of God and proceeded to the dumbing down Black Afrikans into playing a lesser role in the presence of the Godly presence being Dark Energy space-Time Intelligence Infinitum and they proceeded to implement a brainwashing indoctrination of the Black Afrikans Universal people causing them to take on the mind and spirit of the newly constructed negro who pledged their allegiance to the Luciferins who elevated the newly made negro to be the leaders of the now mental unstable Black Afrikans who no longer know how to select strong Black Nationalist Leadership and now follow the negro whose importance in the social setting of the world depend on they being influential among the mentally disturbed Afrikan who now make a claim not to be Black, the negro is not to be trusted and is not to be selected by you to be your leader!

You have been shown that ain't no change gonna come to Afrika nor to you in America the citadel of Unjust Prejudice aganist and about Black Afrikans and your Black behind by allowing a negro to occupy the Luciferin White House, yes, Lucifer's House, you don't believe the propaganda Lucifer feed to you about ain't no more Facism running around in America do you and that he has gotten you to ignore the one racist weapon he uses against your Black behind that is more devastating to and about you than racism, that weapon is unjustified prejudice.

So many lies have been told about you, and Afrika using that weapon in performance and yet here you are with no organization, no plan but a lot of purposes being ignored by you as you follow behind the negro whose status is elevated over your nonactive butt.

So, here you are again after Obama showed you that him being in Lucifer white House ain't gonna and did not make any constructive change to come to you and Afrika be you in Afrika , in America or anywhere else you might be because of institutional racism and prejudice.

Do you believe it is because I know who you thought it is because of the quality of mind we Black Africans are allowed to use to guide us and keep us self-defeated without black Afrikans lifting a body to protest against the lies and deception that is so plentifully in the mind of Lucifer to use against Afrika and yet you get all worked up over kamala, a negro who ain't got her behind on you, she is more devestating to the cause of Afrika and Black Afrikan Freedon than Obama was, don't you Black Folks see what is happening right in front of your eyes, which is disrespectful to thinking Black Loving Afrika people?

July 29, 2024
notions / Flecktarn (July 29, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 28, 2024, 02:51 PM
FLECKTARN (July 29, 2024)
a journal of the blindingly realistic


The 20% of households with $150,000 or more in income make up 52% of total income nationally but pay 87% of total taxes


In June 2020, in the biggest research scandal of the pandemic so far, two of the most important medical journals each retracted a high-profile study of COVID-19 patients.


Did a hippo's feet leave the ground with all four feet or not?


I had no idea what lack of sleep was actually costing me.


As an industry, we've spent all our time making the hard things possible, and none of our time making the easy things easy.


Droning atmospheric space music and ambient textures with minimal beats.


The addition of AI is seen as a way to make communication faster and easier by taking in the relevant context, like what was last said in a conversation, and anticipating answers a person might want to respond with, providing them with a menu of possible options.


At that point, with a slight shake of his head and his right hand pressed against the left side of his chest, Trump said, "I'm not Christian."


Bands like Can, Neu, Harmonia, Amon Düül, Faust and of course Kraftwerk coalesced around a common desire to take rock music beyond the blues into a realm of pure improvisation and experimentation.


Trump believes he is saving democracy by restoring its legitimacy and saving it from the political machines.


Today's real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago.


The placebo effect involves the release of feel-good neurotransmitters, plus increased activity in parts of the brain related to mood and emotions.


DiversityWatch (July 29, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


On the Right we have an audience that specializes in blowing off steam on social media.


(c) copyright 2024 transcendental realism liberation front (TRLF)
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notions / DiversityWatch (July 26, 2024)
Last post by prime - Jul 26, 2024, 07:11 AM
DiversityWatch (July 26, 2024): how #diversity -- of any form: #ethnicity, #religion, #culture, #race -- destroys social order.


Don't trust QueMala Harris, since she is the monkey side of humanity incarnate.