Divorce, cheating, and infidelity fiction

Started by prime, Mar 05, 2024, 10:13 PM

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Quote"I saw her online, I recognised her last name and it turns out her son actually used to bully the s**t out of me and so I figured if I could f*** his mum, I could rub it in his face."

The four radio hosts reply in various states of shock, before revealing that Arielle also heard his astonishing plot to get revenge on her son Sam.



QuoteA team of economists studying a large pool of lottery players in Sweden found that when men win the lottery, they become a lot likelier than demographically similar lottery losers to get married (if they were lower-income and unmarried before their win), and they have more children. On its face, that supports the work-life-balance idea. But when women win the lottery, the only big change in their behavior is divorce: Divorce rates for women almost double in the first couple of years after winning the lottery.

https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/03/money-wealth-lottery-impact-fertility-rate/673549/ (https://archive.ph/E2894)


QuoteQueen Letizia of Spain brought her alleged lover on secret trips to New York City — all while her distraught husband had updates sent to him in "real-time" by their bodyguards, a bombshell new book claims.

The mother-of-two is the subject of "Letizia's Silences," in which veteran royal reporter Jaime Peñafiel claims she has frequently cheated on her "broken" husband, King Felipe.

According to the book, royal bodyguards joined the queen and her alleged lover Jaime del Burgo on a 2011 visit to NYC  — information that would have been passed on to her husband.


"del Burgo" = of the city


Quote"It's very hard to hate or not be able to forgive somebody that you believe is a human being that deserves empathy and understanding. And I think we all do," Twain said. "Do I hate my ex-husband for making a mistake? No. It's his mistake. Not my mistake."

She added, "So sad for him that he made such a great mistake that he has to live with. And I don't know what that is, but it's not, that's not my weight."

"Forgiveness is in the family of letting go. But forgiveness — for me, anyway — is not about forgetting, necessarily," Twain continued. "It's about understanding the other person, and that might mean that they're wrong. Maybe you believe forever that whatever they did was wrong."


yeet narcs


QuoteThe researchers found that the trait manifests itself in vulnerable and subtle ways in women, which deviates from stereotypical manifestations of (male) narcissism that are typically expressed in grandiose and overt ways.

"For women, recalling having a caring mother during childhood was associated with reduced levels of vulnerable narcissism and subsequent perpetration of violence toward their partner, highlighting possible buffers that can be acknowledged and integrated into intervention programs."

"Instead, features of vulnerable narcissism, which more closely aligns with femininity, is a greater risk marker for offending behaviors in women and, as a consequence, more likely marginalized and disregarded due to its elusive and subtle features."



QuoteKnowing that you were caught or might be caught was not a good reason for you to not go through with it. You had to stop it because you knew it was wrong, not because you were going to get caught.


For the "free will" vs. "why does God/gods let us sin?" crowd.


QuoteAn unfaithful husband who arranged meetings with prostitutes via messages on his iPhone is pursuing legal action against Apple after his wife discovered that his deleted messages were still stored on a linked computer.



QuoteFormer Lt. Ryan Terrell admitted to using Verkada security cameras owned by the City of North Charleston in an attempt to catch his wife cheating on him, according to a South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy Notice of Disciplinary Action.

The report states several officers contacted the Office of Professional Standards on April 11 regarding Terrell threatening to harm a sergeant.

The report states Terrell caught his wife in a romantic relationship with the sergeant earlier in the day while at work.




QuoteThe footage allegedly showed Peters taking the Diet Mountain Dew from the fridge and a bottle of Roundup weed killer into the house. A few moments later, Peters returned and put both items back in their original spots.

Peters' husband said he was not sure if his wife was having an affair, or if she was looking to collect his $500,000 life insurance policy. He also noted that she had "drastically reduced" the money she had been transferring to their personal account from a business account.


QuoteA girl never forgets her first love.



I love to watch it all burn.

QuoteWhile plenty of happy couples can trace their meet-cute moment to an online dating app, many others find the never-ending process of likes, swipes, taps and awkward DMs that go nowhere to be exhausting — leading to a phenomenon known as "dating app burnout."


QuoteMercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.


QuoteCox's book is a feminist take on anger-inducing life experiences; from unresolved feelings about miscarriage and loss, to the sometimes maddening business of looking after toddlers, feeling undermined at work, partners failing to pull their weight at home, sexual harassment and violence. Her argument is essentially that it is hardly surprising many women are hopping mad and that their suppressed feelings eventually burst out, sometimes with toxic consequences. She is fascinated by the phenomenon of women becoming online trolls, venting spleen under the cover of anonymity. ("I think trolling is a horribly brilliant way of being able to enact that destruction, but invisibly," she says.)


QuoteWhy is this (prostitution -- Ed.) different from the four guys I've slept with prior to dating you?


QuoteThe "just sex" excuse misses what is the truly important issue in these cases. It is the total lack of respect it shows for the partner. The cheater knows what they are doing is wrong and would hurt the other person. Otherwise, they would be doing it in the open and I would have known all along.


Quote"Sylvia's cheating was bad enough to end the marriage all by itself, of course, but her lying about it was ten times worse. That showed a total lack of respect, a disregard for me almost to the point of contempt. But the very worst thing of all, which was a hundred times worse than THAT, was that she'd manipulated me into being complicit with her lies. She used my feelings for her against me. She turned me against myself, and then watched me drive myself mad. I became unfocused. Dissociative. I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't. I distrusted and second-guessed myself about everything. I found myself gazing off into space and becoming unresponsive to what people were saying to me. I was depressed. I was isolated. I was miserable. I broke out into tears, just for no reason, without knowing why.

"Sylvia saw it, of course. She saw the changes in me. She'd ask me 'what's wrong?' and I couldn't tell her, because my suspicions made me a BAD MAN. So I sucked it up, repressed it, and made it worse. She knew what she was doing to me, because she's not stupid, either... and yet she kept right on doing it. She watched herself torture me, encouraging me to believe I was crazy, and jealous, and WRONG to think the evil thoughts that I just could not keep out of my stupid, insecure head. Good husbands TRUST and have FAITH in their wives and would never, ever, EVER believe that they'd betray you like that... and she Did Not Stop. I mean, how can you claim to love someone, to care about them, and yet still do that? How could she keep it up, week after week, month after month, and keep on doing it with no end in fucking sight?

"The answer, as it turned out, was that she's a sociopath."


QuoteThe term "gaslighting" was not yet widely in use during the nineties, but that was what had been done to me. If I voiced any concern, it was dismissed as silly. If I became accusatory, I was merely jealous. If I was depressed, I was imagining things. Above all else, any failure on my part to trust her and believe her meant that I was a bad husband, a bad man, and a generally awful person, because she promised up, down, and sideways that I had "Nothing To Worry About." I was convinced I'd gone mad. The level of betrayal I was experiencing was unfathomable, therefore it COULD NOT be real. I HAD to be imagining it. The worst part is that she watched herself do it to me. She saw me twisting at the end of her rope, beating myself up with my own misplaced faith in her, and she had no intention of ever stopping it.



QuoteA majority of states also allow fault divorce, where one party can claim reasons like adultery, abandonment, long-term incarceration or cruelty.

"Cruelty – and more specifically, causing a spouse unneeded pain, whether emotional or physical — is typically the most common grounds for a fault divorce.," says Thomas A. Ramuda Jr., a divorce attorney based in Colorado.



QuoteMike had never conceptualized it, but inside him, there was a wall. A wall of love. The stones in the wall were strong, but what was even more essential—the mortar that held them together—was trust.

Behind the wall lurked demons. Barbarians. They had tribes: jealousy, suspicion, fear, insecurity. They'd harried him mercilessly as a teenager; less so in his college years; yet strongly again when he first started dating Jennifer. Happily, as their love grew, so grew the wall. Eventually, the barbarians were shut out.

But in the wild, dark lands behind the wall, the barbarians lived on.


QuoteA swarm of swingers descended on a quiet British village for a weekend of raunchy debauchery that has locals fuming.

The town of just 7,900 has complained to police in the past about "screaming and moaning" coming from the countryside site and keeping them up at night.


QuoteTerry Boyle, a former employer of Laroche, testified that the woman told her she kept Mantee's body in their apartment refrigerator, periodically disposing of his remains between March and August 2020.



QuoteRobin Heidt has been the center of an investigation herself. Back in August 2008 her husband Carey and his father Phillip were murdered.

Prosecutors say they have evidence that Robin was having an affair with the suspect, her brother-in-law, Craig Heidt. Craig Heidt is charged with the murders.


QuoteOn August 23, 2008, Heidt and Robin observed a low-flying helicopter circling the hunting cabin in which they were staying. Philip and Carey had arranged for a friend to attempt to photograph Heidt, Robin, and their vehicles from the helicopter. The next day, August 24, Robin asked Carey about the helicopter, and he confirmed that it was part of an effort to obtain proof of her affair with his brother. Carey and Robin then had a "heated discussion," which ended with Carey leaving to spend the night at the home of his parents in Springfield, Georgia.3 Robin called Heidt "not long after Carey left" and told him what had happened.

Early on the morning of August 25, someone entered the home in Springfield, using a spare key that typically was hidden in a storage room under the carport. The intruder went into the room in which Carey was sleeping and shot him with a 12–gauge shotgun. The intruder then went into the bedroom that Philip shared with Heidt's mother, Linda, and shot both Philip and Linda. The intruder poured gasoline throughout the home and broke out a window, apparently in an attempt to make it appear as though someone had entered the home forcibly. The intruder, however, failed to remove the spare key from the door lock.

According to other testimony at trial, Heidt was one of only a few people who knew that a spare key to the home of his parents was hidden under their carport, several 12–gauge shotgun shells were found in his truck on the day of the murders, and four days after the murders, Heidt was seen with three bruises on his upper arms, consistent with him having recently fired three shots from a shotgun .


QuoteEvidence at the two-week trial showed Craig Heidt was having an affair with Carey Heidt's wife, Robin. Craig Heidt had also looked at land with a Realtor, saying he expected to have some money soon.

The affair became known to the family and caused great tension, "reaching a peak," in the days leading up to the murders, Muldrew said.

The motive, according to Muldrew: "Lust and greed," citing the affair with his brother's wife, a $3.5 million life insurance policy on the life of Carey Heidt and Craig Heidt's share of his father's estate.


QuoteThen Sheriff McDuffie recalled an unsettling conversation he's had with Carey Heidt only a month earlier.

"...he knew that his wife was runnin' around on him," McDuffie said. "But he did not tell me who it was with."

Not only was the marriage on the rocks, but even more shockingly, Robin Heidt was having an affair with her husband's older brother, Craig.
