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Why I am here

Started by antichrist, Jan 15, 2024, 09:46 PM

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"Anyone who kills a Communist is therefore saving humanity from itself.

Communism by its nature is both the natural evolution of egalitarianism and determined to kill off those who are not Communist. They want us dead and will kill us if given the chance. Communism is death to non-Communists.

Kill Communists. Purge the disease by purging the insane people who support it. All who kill Communists are giving humanity a chance at surviving Communism, which otherwise will kill us all."

420 325 6502 1469 616 1888 8088


Throwing Communists out of helicopters is self-defense.

QuoteI don't want no commies in my car. No Christians either.


We are here to do the will of Satan, which means reducing illusion and removing untermenschen.
420 325 6502 1469 616 1888 8088


Satan is the ultimate rebel, which represents not the destructive force but the expansive force in the universe. Anything that becomes the norm is overthrown by the creation of its relative opposite. That is Satan. Give praise to the Magister! God represents stability and endurance, which is a human projection, since without the powers of Satan, that state becomes stagnation and dies of entropy.