Say "Fuck Christ N.I.G.G.E.R." for "Freedom"

Started by prime, Jan 18, 2024, 08:49 AM

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QuoteLevitating act of death, messenger of Satan's mass
Blinded by the crucifix, sacrilegious impalement
Kill the chosen, righteous son, claim the cross inverted one
Everlasting hell damnation, from the lord, Crucifixation


From the Fediverse:

Quote1. Our admin urges users to migrate to to preserve the No Agenda brand.

2. However, the server is borked, and I cannot yet download the 834mb (!!!) of posts, replies, and other content I have created here, and I need to move that to No Authority before I can use it.

3. As a former sysop, I consider user-created content to be highly valuable, even if in most cases it is jousting, drama, and humor.

4. For me, being able to move this content determines whether I am going to use the new server. If this much effort and thought goes out the window, there is no point doing the same in the future.

5. I acknowledge that I may be the type of user the admins want to drive away. Namely, although I am not from the neon Otsi club, I speak blunt scientific and historical truths about race, ethnicity, sex, and most disturbingly, social class.

6. Apparently, the server becomes unstuck on the 21st and I can try again to move content then.

7. If I can move my content to, I will do so.

8. If not, you can find me here:

@p convinced me of an update to what I fought for and risked arrest for in the 1980s: absolute free speech.

That is, we need people to say troublesome words in order to keep the Overton Window of speech wide open.

4. For me, being able to move this content determines whether I am going to use the new server. If this much effort and thought goes out the window, there is no point doing the same in the future.

5. I acknowledge that I may be the type of user the admins want to drive away. Namely, although I am not from the neon Otsi club, I speak blunt scientific and historical truths about race, ethnicity, sex, and most disturbingly, social class.

9. Back in the 1980s, we were fighting against phone companies who wanted us to stop publishing their internal documents. However, "information wants to be free" = people want to learn about these things.

10. At the time, I was a Left-leaning moron Jeffersonian, although I never trusted Abe "Good Used Cars" Lincoln. However, it was clear to me that humanity was hobbling technology by hiding information behind copyright and security laws.

11. Now the hiding consists of denial of the failure of diversity, the ability and preference differences between ethnic groups and races and social classes, the differences between the sexes, and most of all, the natural inequality of all humans. We are "created equal" in no meaningful sense.

12. This knowledge is the major taboo of our time because it unseats the assumptions behind egalitarianism (Leftism, libertarianism, Communism, anarchy, bureaucracy).

13. All of my life I have been a heretic more than a contrarian because humanity pathologically forms groupthink and suppresses the knowledge that it needs to escape the groupthink.

14. I call this process Crowdism:

15. Conservatives, who are guardians of the eternal, have a duty to escape Crowdism and through realism, increase the transcendentals in society.

...even if modern GOP-led sheep are ignorant and in denial of this.

16. I accumulate heresies like most people end up in possession of those little soy sauce packets from Chinese restaurants. These include:

* A rejection of Abrahamism because it is (a) metaphysical dualist or neoplatonist, (b) universalist or egalitarian, and (c) foreign (middle eastern).
* A rejection of Buckleyite conservatism because it denies both Darwin and the eternal.
* A rejection of all socialism because it is slavery that degenerates societies.

* A hostility toward diversity of any form (meaning: independent of race and ethnicity, the trigger condition being more than one ethnic group in the same society) because it tries to unify groups with contrary agendas coded into their DNA, which causes constant infighting and compromise.
* "Compromise" is a dirty word. It means loss of ability to achieve your goals. "Bipartisanship" IS compromise. It is not good at all even if most of the voters swear on the Precious that they want it.

* The environmental movement is bullshit, but the issue they identify is the big one humanity faces: overpopulation. There are too many of us, we use too much land, and this results in The Ecocide which will cause a massive biodiversity crash on Earth.
* This is not forgivable or rather, we will never forgive ourselves.
* The religious people are right that we need a higher goal than ourselves and the group, like the divine, nature, culture, and so on.

17. For this reason, I am as troubling a user as I was a sysop. I battled it out with people who wanted speech restrictions on my users. I was right then, and I am right now.

18. We will know in a few days whether I can continue here, but in any case, it has been a great pleasure interacting with you all.

19. I also want to point out that hellthreads and troubling users keep the #Fediverse alive and happy.

The point is that we follow the method of using disturbing words to drive back the forces of Crowdism (communists, Abrahamists, groupthinkers).

Only by offending everyone can we preserve the ability to offend and harm people, which is necessary because anything the groupthink dislikes will be categorized as "offensive and harmful."

History shows us this is consistent.

This is one of my anti-conspiracy theories, in that instead of seeing purpose and a manipulator behind it all, I see groupthink following illusions so that reality can be avoided because it offends and harms people as the problem.


QuoteThey say you've born to the eternal kidness
and that was conceived by divine grace
that cama to finish with the pervetion and evil
and died on the cross to humanity save

The pervetion and evil only start after you came
because you was only a crazy lier
false saints were with you on your insanity
and the more stupids believed on you