Divorce, cheating, and infidelity fiction

Started by prime, Mar 05, 2024, 10:13 PM

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QuoteA spurned woman in China turned off her husband's life support after he suffered a severe brain bleed at his mistress's home and ended up in hospital.

The 38-year-old man had been living with his mistress while still technically married, having left his wife some ten years prior.


QuoteShe added: "I also thought it weird that our son has brown eyes when both of us have blue. Then I found out that while this is uncommon, it's possible sometimes due to many genes controlling eye color."


QuoteA Missouri man with an alleged history of domestic abuse is accused of strapping his ex into a wheelchair and forcing her to watch him and his new girlfriend dig her grave before killing her, investigators said.


QuoteThe woman, who cannot be named, challenged the rejection of her workers' compensation claim for facial and psychological injuries suffered when a glass light fitting came away from the wall above the bed as she was having sex in November 2007.

The woman in her late thirties was required to travel to a country town by her employer, the Human Relations Section of the Commonwealth Government agency.

The male friend said in his statement at the time that they were "going hard" and he did not know if they bumped the light or it just fell off.



QuoteAttachment is also more likely to evolve when individuals can directly assess the quality of their reproductive opportunity (as opposed to relying on imperfect information from reproductive success), when the quality of the reproductive opportunity has adult survival ramifications, and when divorce coevolves with attachment.


QuoteAged 36, he hadn't made friends outside of work for 15 years, and working remotely, his opportunities to create new friendships became even more limited.

"The only person I've had frequent contact and constant contact with is my wife or her family and that's it," Mr Sheridan says.


QuoteTan Xianglong, 37, planted what he thought was more than half a kilo of cannabis between the rear passenger seats of his wife's car, assuming it was enough to warrant the death penalty for drug trafficking.


QuoteCoppola is charged with two counts of second-degree murder for supposedly fatally shooting his ex, Kelly Coppola, and her boyfriend, Kenneth Pohlman, as they slept in their St. James home around 11:45 p.m. Wednesday.

The scorned divorcé told his teen daughter to stay inside his car outside the house just moments before he broke open the front door.



QuoteGetting frisky with other passengers might have been an option – upside down pineapples, a cruise symbol to signify a cabin's occupants are open to swinging, were apparently affixed to some of the doors – but a desire to get soused while aboard only got passengers so far.


QuoteMost mornings Ron still woke with at least a semi-erection. This wasn't one of them. Actually he wondered if he would ever become sexually excited again.


QuoteAn Ohio mom has been sentenced to 40 years behind bars after she was caught on camera ambushing her ex-husband and fatally injecting him with a powerful animal tranquilizer during an ugly custody dispute over their kids, federal prosecutors said.


QuoteWhile I sat there stunned, a thought kept going through my head about how while men can fake their interest in a woman so as to get her into bed, a woman can fake an entire fucking relationship.



QuoteHe also attempted to force Weber, who was in her mid-20s at the time, "into a quid pro quo relationship with Trustee to secure a political favor" — forcing her to make up excuses, including that she had COVID, to skirt his advances, the lawsuit claims.


QuoteDid something happen in your last relationship or during the breakup that hurt your self-worth? Presumably, you've had breakups before, and it didn't lead to ED, so I'm inclined to think there was something different about this one.
During the breakup, did she say very hurtful things about you, taking cheap digs about your penis size? Did she claim you were shitty in bed? Or, perhaps it was more insidious, and she subtly degraded you throughout your relationship?
It's necessary to figure out what was said or done. Only then can you get to the root of the problem and specifically address that insecurity. Because psychological ED is often rooted in fear. Fear you're not big enough. Fear you're not going to satisfy your partner. Fear they're going to make fun of you, you'll cum too quickly, you won't make her cum, she'll find your body gross, or any of ahundred other valid fears.


QuoteShe even learned he'd been renting an apartment in Colorado, where he would have sex with escorts and women he'd picked up.


QuoteThe findings of the individual experiments and the overall study revealed that when participants observed others showing interest in their partner, they experienced decreased desire for their partner, a reduced inclination to invest in the relationship, and a strong urge to fend off the "rivals."

When a person is looking for a mate, such attention may serve as evidence of that mate's value. However, in an established relationship, the same attention may be perceived as a threat indicating the possibility of losing the partner to someone else. The fear of losing a partner may trigger defensive reactions.

To protect ourselves from the potential pain of such a loss, we may create emotional distance from our partner and withdraw from investing in the relationship as a way of softening the blow we would experience in the event that our fears materialize.


QuoteI was tired of people who claimed to be my friend and then fucked me behind my back.


QuoteI don't think that I would want a child out of you after what you did. It's as if your body has been tainted by what you did.



QuoteJennifer Gledhill allegedly admitted to her paramour that she shot her husband in his sleep Sept. 21, stuffed his body in a rooftop storage container and drove it north before digging him a shallow grave.


QuoteThe more men are concerned about appearing masculine, the less likely they will forgive a co-worker for a transgression such as missing an important meeting, because they view forgiveness as a feminine trait, Haselhuhn and his co-author, Margaret E. Ormiston of George Washington University, found.

What's more, men who are not inclined to forgive are also more likely seek revenge or avoid the transgressor, which contributes to an unhealthy and less effective work environment, the research found. They also view men who forgive as unmanly.


QuoteNearly 60 Hongkongers, including four women, were victims of extortion in which they were tricked into undressing during video chats and then coerced into paying more than HK$1.9 million (US$244,430) over the past week.
