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Osiris Akkebala

Started by prime, Apr 26, 2024, 02:23 PM

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QuoteWho said you need a separate independent entity to be the creator of creative creation and you need to be in the midst of everything to be with an awareness of something that verifies the oneness of connectedness to everything that reveals the present thoughtful foundation of Dark Energy Space_ Time that serve as the presence of Divine Existence, the Infinite universe.

Creationism is an imaginary subjective term for something that comes not out of nothing and the creation of something is that which already had an established foundation, the Big Bang-like evolution it did not happen such a claim is only a theorized imaginative concept perceived by the power of its present environment conceived based on an established observable natural act by nature based on the way it performs not need for follow up action of the same kind. osiris

What is God to you, is it a person of matter with form like you or is it a super-natural unmeasurable infinite presence with a pluralistic appearance in and of the universe dark space-time form, yet is with awareness without need of consciousness or thought is intrinsic in everything that moves with form and the appearance to be without form, but is detectable by all things in and of the Dark Space-Time Infinitum, God of eternal existence that creates not.

The world and all of the firmaments, there be where mankind is in action with names, meanings, and classifications given to them all, done by man-kind who do influence all who are in the physical giving to you information about the universe and Godly existence claiming to come from and is of Godly doing having you to believe what you know nothing about, given By man- kind.

The Angle O is where God reside, Infinitum, physical matter being in the presence of Dark Space- Time Infinitum witheternal existence it is, needing no plan for its performance, between the space of 0 to 1 and from 1 thru 9 is where man-kind wander and wonder in an effort to innerstand the magic like performance of all matter of form andsuch appears as if without form there be where man-kind of all persuason with all level of emotional behavior and curiousity perform earning no favor from Divine Godly Existence getting rewards based on the behavior of your performance . osiris

June 27, 2024


Ghana President Calls for Slavery Reparation!

QuoteRight here is where I toot my own horn, I am the most in-depth advocate for Chattel Slavery Reparation Repatriation and the Ghana President should be on the phone right now with me to get the most fulfilling explanation about why chattel Slavery Reparation should not be allowed to come across the tongue of Black Afrikans without having its companion Repatriation and know why and what for Reparation Repatriation must be used for and for whom and where.
enslavement reparation repatriation is to be used.

Only an idiot and a racist disapprove the payment of chattel slavery enslavement reparation repatriation and all who do should be locked up for committing the crime of hate or need to be admitted to a mental illness ward.

I am with self-comfort with sharing to be in support of the payment of our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation until I make it a practice not to engage with the naysayers  to the payment of our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation so much so until I choose not to enter into an exchange with such haters of Black Afrikans and self regardless of racial ethnic.

The payment of Chattel Slavery reparation repatriation is justified act of asking for forgiveness for the evil crime committed aginst Black Afrikans  for selfish prejudice purpose to generate selfish gain by instituting the action of chattel enslavement against Black Afrikan people knowing there will be no consequence from such behavior toEnslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation, the one issue that reveals who in the world thrive off of Racism, Prejudice against Black Afrikan people be against the perpetrators of  the enslavement of Black Afrikan people.

The Diaspora Afrikans, the off-spring of  our Enslaved Ancestors should be  allowed to lead the charge to collect our enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation, never has there been a  crime so henious committed against a Nation of people based on the fact that they wear the birthmark of the Godly Infinite Unniverse, their pigment lackness, the sacredness of the Infinite Universe.The fight to resurrect Afrika and to unify the Black AfrikanNation has begun, or should I share should have begun because  it's a  pity and ashame how we Black Afrikans reveals our self-hatred there should have beenBlack Afrikans across Afrika listening and supporting the president of Ghana address in favor of Chattel Slavery Reparation Repatriation!!! osiris

June 27, 2024


Is There Such An Element (presence) As Nothingness?

QuoteThis is not a question coming from my curiosity but from very wise physicists who have very in-denth probing minis the definition of nothing gonna  keepds about the Universe, including the Infinite Space-Time Universe, which is without a beginning, to be proved not to be nothing without a  beginning coming from to become something to return from something to become nothing with an end, a paradox of logical reasoning with no rationality to support its nothingmess claim.

 Now, what need to happen is a decision is gonna need to be made about  whether or not the definition of nothing is to remain as is since a question is being asked can something come from nothing and is there such a presence as nothingness.that can produce something?

My thinking with thoughtful reasoning logially and rationally is the question is moot, with nothing you don't have something nor anything to be a competition  with, it;s  a nonstarter, you can't pull something out of nohing and turn around and claim to use that something to prove nothing is with a presence, not existence, a presence, now is useful coming from nothing to be in possession of something to become a tangeable matter of fact.

As it stand now in the community of Rational Logical Thinking reasoning , there is no such an element nor presence as nothing, by definition it;s a n optical, senseusal illusion born in the imagination of its maker,which can never leave that attachment because it's never there, nothing has no relvancy, not in any dimension, is not anything and now the talk is  about Terrence 1x1=2, then I guess I can since I don't count, share, o x o =, infinity, everything, it is in possession of everything  but is of the all  of anything, leaving nothing that can be compared .

June 24, 2024


The Hidden Deception And The Power Of Prejudicialness!!!

QuoteIt's present in every academic category regardless of its discipline of study, set in the mind of white intellectuals and their rank-and-file level students. Prejudice against Black Afrikans was generated by the self-elevation of white oligarchy intent to rule the world. They knew for that to be successful, degrading of the Black Afrikan Universal Race Nation had to take place.

 That success is centered on having the pigment of Black Afrikan Universal people to be regarded as being meaningless and deplorable throughout the intellectual educational world society.

So, what do you have in that regard today, well, it is the world acceptance of being brainwashed to believe from the height of oligarchy religion to the basic of elementary learning indoctrination to believe everything Black is contrary to religion right, so you make sure all the time whenever you need to emphasize about colors there is no good inclusion of the nature of Blackness,  which is the dominant of all colors and is the cause for colors to have a spectrum because all things comes out of Blackness ( Darkness ) and the Luciferin oligarchy make sure the world society adopt the behavior of superiority of belief that light supersedes Dark and nowhere in the Universe can such a concept be proven!!! osiris

Here is why I take a position about white society,, white  people know that with a light pigment and the position they have managed to rise in a society that they have structured to be in their favor that  they now is looked upon to be the darling of the world  and got to be looked upon as being such by getting the Black Afrikan Universal people the very race of people that consumed the right that nthay now are the darling of  today.

Now you have in a world created by white oligarchy and have successfully spread and used their prejudice to indoctrinate and brainwash the world about the shade of Darkness as being the personification of evil, and everything that is counterproductive to being so-called Dark Energy Space-Time Intelligent Infinitum alled white.

So now in the field of the study of physics, you have those physical scientists using darkness as a sign of destruction spreading evil and representing so-called wrong doing in the heaven and on earth in fact all  that is needed to be known  is inherited in Dark Energy Space-Time.

I watched on Joe Rogan how  eruc Weinstine took Terrence out behind the outhouse an gave Terrence a walloping spanking claiming mush of what Terrence was claiming to know about physics with the exception of terrence invention from the flowers of life is wrong and I haven't heard or saw anything from Terrence since that time.

When your thoughts are yours alone, it does not mean your thoughts and math have to correspond with others' thoughts about the same thing of interest..

A while back it was given to me to know that Darkness is the epitome of space-time, it's the ultimate element of electromagnetic gravitational energy and all physical matter comes from the electromagnetic gravitational presence of the Godly dark energetic presence and There is  only one energy source that reveals its presence being that of the Infinite presence

There is no expansion to Infinity and the presence of Darkness does not increase nor decrease, you error by attempting to apply physical Laws of Science to Nonphysical DarknessOf Infinite Space-Time energy..

Darkness is the eternal profoundness of its presence, another way of identifying what we refer to as God, so no one is disqualified to penetrate Sark Spatial Energy and its duration run infinitely being that of infinite electromagnetic presence with a gravitational presence, all else is attributes of that Godly Dark Energy space-Time!!! osiris

Bur Hell, what do I know, the Gall I have interfering in the community of science playground, right? osiris

Terrence does not need to slow down, keep on Thinking about what moves and interest you-him. osiris

July 6, 2024


Life, Being, Living, All Based Upon A Dark Energy Spatial Time Frequency.

QuoteAll that is of a Matter of fact in the presence of Dark Energetic space-time, all consisting of the frequency that was used to bring you into living form, everything in the presence of Darkness is subject to that Infinite Intelligent existence, something our most Ancient Ancestors long ago was given knowledge of because they carried themselves in a mind capacity that qualified the body to be receptive of the energy that was Electromagnetism Gravitational performance associated with your body structure.

A Knowledge that people wearing the eternal makeup of Darkness the central Energy source you no longer show respect because you have allowed the presence of matter in so-called Human Form to come in between that which is eternal Divine by that which is disturbing profane, meaning living behaving contrary to being in Harmony, Order, And Balance to the Divine Godly Dark Spatial Energy Frequency that is the Godly Energy source, Spatial Timely Darkness.

You Black Afrikans no longer seek the knowledge that comes from the Divine Compass, it knows the relativity of infinite Divinity, Harmony, Order and Balance, Divine Energy that needs to be in contact Divinely with the Body organs, can you innerstand that?

I just share with you that which esoterically comes to me to share, giving no thought about what your state of mind reaction to Divine information will be, I seek no accolades from the matter of fact in physical form, my submission is to the knowledge given to me to have about the Infinite Universe based on the use of Divine Thnking about that which energize m with interest cncerning God Dark Spatial Timing Energy having no expiration date but to matter on the physical level does, so we live only for a moment given the ability to experience the Divine sensation that comes from Divine Thinking beloved. Osiris Akkebala
First seek you your Freedom, Done so bybeing organized and aware of your relationship to the inert Ethereal Presence of the Godly Darkness which Lucifer has succeeded in having you to despise and that is why Afrika is as it is, you no longer is with the fire in your mind to know what is and why!

July 9, 2024


The All Encompassing Zero

QuoteThe Misconception that zero signifies nothing, it is to have zero having no meaning as a matter of fact it ain't present and in the number system, it represents nothing,

How can nothing play a part in being nothing?

If nothing ain't there then you ain't got something to identify nothing by.

I will take the opposite position about the value of Zero, it is the sum total of everything before becoming a matter of the value of anything, being with something, never nothing, which is not relative and is not present only something goes into where there is no plus or minus, no front or back the infinite angel zero owns all numbers it is where everything is without limit or boundaries and extend in a forward presence being with no starting nor ending point all being from a zero presence representing everything, never nothing into something.

Mankind creates the value of the created number system or shall I share the lack of a value given to what mankind has settled for Zero is about nothing but is infinite to all that comes from the angel zero in possession of everything and is without limit. from one into infinity..

Zero encompasses all things to be something being Everything, never Nothing to represent nothing, which is an insult to the God of Any, All And Everything, never nothing.

July 10, 2024


The Universe Acquaintance I Seek Is Infinite Dark Space-Time Energy Intelligence Infinitum

QuoteThe Universe Acquaintance I Seek Is Infinite Dark Space-Time Energy  Intelligence Infinitum.

Why is it that Black Afrikan people always want to get white folks' approval about everything that we do in relationship to believing which means we abandon the desire to know in exchange for belief and never feel mentally independent and strong in revealing how we think, just believe about the presence of things that are importance to us Black Afrikans.

There are enough of us Black Afrikans on earth to establish what is to be our own parameters about things that are important to us Black Afrikans. Still, oh no, we have turned our organic mind over to a group of people referring to themselves as white people. We act as if white people are the authority of the corner of esoteric empirical thinking and dole out to whoever comes the handicap of mind stuck in believing our way through the act of living with life.

Take Terrence Howard for a prime example. I am not judging whether Terrence is right or wrong about what he is claiming to know about the physical universe and that is where everybody's attention is because nobody is an authority about the Infinite Dark space-time existence that is God in Eternal existence, so what happened, white folks put a price on believing and came up with means and ways of figuring and believing about the physical universe and required for thinking to be used to bump into the truth about where everything physical in the physical dimension come from and to engage in such discussion you must be a certified intellectual professional in whatever field of science you claim to know about using white folks ground rules about your belief about what you are interested in.

Mind you now, this is about the so-called knowledge you claim to believe about knowing about physical things and their origin and meaning and purpose for being in the physical dimension.

Terrence errored in seeking white folks' peer review status for the way he addresses himself about things in the physical dimension and now he is finding out that is a club belonging and is controversy smart to being geniusesl by white folks claiming to be very smart to being geniuses.

In the physical dimension white folks have set the ground rules for acceptance so now Terrence finds himself being treated like the melanin-American grown up to be a white folks caliber negro but without the acceptance of a thinking nor believing Black Afrikan and even we Black Afrikans have moved away from our genetic universal heritage, our Blackness from which our informational knowledge comes!

July 13, 2024


The Way We Are

QuoteThe world is a sense-full Place With no Ability to see And seeing Is mental giving you the ability to think to know what's true and real while living.

I am fascinated by all I can look at with an ability to see what reveals the nature of God, the universe is there to give you the freedom to wonder about and think to get to know about. there is no difference in the universe's infinite intelligence and is infinite in its God Darkness Spatial Time existence.

To be qualified to see beyond looking To get to see the physical dimension in an attempt to verify the infinite universe and all of its attributes of energy,  is to know God, without all of the theories about what I wonder about space-time, when traveling arrived at an innerstanding about what god is.

 Another truth is that no direction in space can be verified by my thinking about that which generates my energetic mental capacity to envision what the universe can only reveal about the things that hold my mind in attention so to get to know what I don't know which is, an esoteric learning process and is available to only a  few thinkers.

I ain't trying to get that devilish Luciferin attention to confirm what I have Divinely reason about to myself to know.

The science of my thoughts guides me to know space-time is infinite and to live is not to be forever, God did not design us that way, makes no difference if you are a hologram or not, obviously death is a part of living and life continues forever whatever that means..

If yu are Black and you have not incorporated the place on earth call Afrika making your Black behind to be Afrikan death to the cycle of living. secondarily and Universal Divinely then yes there is not gonna be any rising of Momma Afrika and no United States  Of Afrika Government because we by not focusing on bringing about the resurrection of Afrika it place the permanent of  Afrika to be the way it is without Divine leadership therefore no organized Afrika Black Nation, as were to weak to survive in Divie standing to the presence of God. osiris

July 12, 2024


A = I

QuoteA = Artificial Intelligence?

As far as I am aware there is no such a presence as artificial intelligence, Divine Eternal Infinite Energy is what I consider to be the existence of intelligence and there is no difference in the use of that Godly Energy than with so-called Human Beings and so-called Robotic material being with a human-like presence and/ or Human with a robot like presence, both being under the power of the Godly intelligent Infinite Universal intelligence..

That with intelligence has a conscious as for as I am concerned.

Energy is noncreated Infinite intelligence and the Godly Infinite Universe is Energy without a beginning nor an end, that's the God Presence you refer to as being the God Particle, but God is more than a crumb, it's the stuff crumbs-particles made from its presence, Dark Everlasting Universal Infinite Energy.

Robots, after going through their initial created introduction phase, will eventually have their independent learning ability, with decision-making power influenced by their environment and practices."As far as I am aware, there is no such presence as artificial intelligence. I consider Divine Eternal Infinite Energy to be the existence of intelligence. There is no difference in the use of Godly Energy with so-called Human Beings and so-called Robotic material beings with a human-like presence or Humans with a robot-like presence. Both are under the power of the Godly A-I = Artificial Intelligence.

Yet, there is no such of presence as artificial intelligence, Divine intelligence Infinite Energy is Intelligence it is of that which we refer to as God with an energy presence.

Energy is the very existence of intelligence. osiris

July 15, 2024


God, Afrika and Black Afrikans

QuoteI I have reduced my remaining time to the interest in knowing  about God to  its relationship to nothing and  about  something is related to everything, which include God and Afrika Afrikan Universal people. .

The God I have been given to know about has no  nature, it's the eternal representative of the nature of living and is with life, so if in earnest to get to know God relationship to everything you first has to know the Divine everlasting infinite existence pertaining to God in and out of form, knowiwith a thinking posturing it Divine reality is ine truth about its Divine Existence.

The mind with a thinking posture is all you need to use when in the act of getting to know not the nature of God but the existence of God, without knowing God existence you get not to know the meaning  and purpose of the physical Universe, plural if including all Galaxies in space-Time Darkness.

What the advantage in understanding the body but not innerstanding the power that give cause for it to be in performing order?

First seek you the information that will have you knowing God and not ignoring God while you seek to understand God production being the physical Universe, the physical Universe is to be understood but the Divine Existece  is God is with need by you to get to innerstand what God Is, without nothing being a prop with the innerstanding the Existence God Is.

To know God is to know religion plays no part in its Existence, Dark Space-Time Energy is its Infinite Existence with myraids of attributes in performance.

Afrika, the most Dynamic Continents on Earth with ability to be independent sufficient yet is the most dependent and ignored on earth and I  ask why?

Not that ithas always been with such an earthly status, which mean its the inhabitants now occupying Afrika  that is  Afrika greatest enemy, so I pledge my life and time as I have every since I became with awareness of Honorable Marus Garvey and Momma Afrika, later learning how we Black Afrikans became estranged from each other as kit and kin.

So I had to find out why Black Afrikans and Afrika became segregated away from each other, which allowed me to learn the reason why and you can't know why if you don't know the power of  God Existence And what God Is.

So God, Afrika and Black Afrikans  constitute the Trinity of Freedom, Justice and Independence in combined relationship to each other and in order for Afrika to rise in her Glory of Freedom, Jusice and Independence Black Afrikans must rise with complete control of our Divine Mind and with the coming back of that duality, God Existence the Black Afrikans must learn about again before there will be an Afrika for the Black Afrikans, A United States Of Afrika  Government and Unity of A  Blak Afrikan Nation and the dynamics that must take place for such to be, is there must be a Organized Black Afrikan Afrika liberation movement with the goal being our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation and a  United States  Of Afrika Government  to Govern in Afrika beloved!!! osiris

There are much more that goes with this, beloved!

July 20, 2024


Ignorance Is Popular Among Black Afrikans people, Thinking Is Not

QuoteThere is an ignore shroud that is covering the minds of Black Afrikans and Afrika, there seems to be no life left in the mind of Black Afrikans, and where there is no life there is no motion, and Black Afrikans are stuck in a caste of social, economic, political, theological defeat.

Irrational emotion is what's guiding Black Afrikans, anybody can have influence over a nonthinking mind and Black Afrikans no longer think for a living and life requires such an action to live with respect for yourself collectively and all others in the world.

The negro has totally surrendered the right to be respected and now live under the control of the Luciferin and the negro has been given a rank thatputs them over Black Afrika sand Afrika serving as watchmen over the Nation and Continent of Afrika and Black Afrikan people.

The present description of Black Afrikans today is not the image that will deliver to Afrika a United StatesOf Afrika Government and will not present Black Afrikans who participate in American politics to have a sense of independence when choosing the candidate of your choice and not the negro choice between Harris and Trump.

How Black Afrikans vote in America presidential election will reveal what is to be in Afrika moving on, beloved.

July 24, 2024


What It Gonna Take To Become Black Afrikans Again?

QuoteWhen it all is said and completed, I think the greatest threat to Afrika and Black Afrikans losing Afrika completely is the Disorganization and divisiveness of Black Afrikan people under such circumstances there can't be and will not be a Federated Afrika and Black Afrikan people united. We Black Afrikans become self-defeated beings with concern about what the enemy of Afrika will always do and be with a desire to have Afrika to be not for the Black Afrikans. Lucifer Will always attempt to prevent Black Afrikans from becoming a unified Black Afrikan Nation again and we being without a determination not to allow our oppressors to be in control of patriotic Black Afrikan Nationalist Pan Afrikan Movement with determination to to defeat Black Afrikans and be in control of momma Afrika. ain't nobody gonna save Afrika and Black Afrikans from being weak and self-divisive but Black Afrikan Nationalists, beloved.

July 25, 2024


The Negro Ain't Gonna Save You

QuoteMy beloved Black Afrikan Family, hear me and do so with innerstanding, the survival of Afrika as a Black Afrikan Continent depends on how you accept this I am about to share with you, remove all of your irrational emotions out of the way which you have fallen victim to in the way you respond to situations that you be confronted with.

The leader of the negro brigade is the United States Of America, they are who know who you Black Afrikans are and after being able to break into the mind of our Ancient Ancestors and stole the Divine Knowledge about the Existence of God and proceeded to the dumbing down Black Afrikans into playing a lesser role in the presence of the Godly presence being Dark Energy space-Time Intelligence Infinitum and they proceeded to implement a brainwashing indoctrination of the Black Afrikans Universal people causing them to take on the mind and spirit of the newly constructed negro who pledged their allegiance to the Luciferins who elevated the newly made negro to be the leaders of the now mental unstable Black Afrikans who no longer know how to select strong Black Nationalist Leadership and now follow the negro whose importance in the social setting of the world depend on they being influential among the mentally disturbed Afrikan who now make a claim not to be Black, the negro is not to be trusted and is not to be selected by you to be your leader!

You have been shown that ain't no change gonna come to Afrika nor to you in America the citadel of Unjust Prejudice aganist and about Black Afrikans and your Black behind by allowing a negro to occupy the Luciferin White House, yes, Lucifer's House, you don't believe the propaganda Lucifer feed to you about ain't no more Facism running around in America do you and that he has gotten you to ignore the one racist weapon he uses against your Black behind that is more devastating to and about you than racism, that weapon is unjustified prejudice.

So many lies have been told about you, and Afrika using that weapon in performance and yet here you are with no organization, no plan but a lot of purposes being ignored by you as you follow behind the negro whose status is elevated over your nonactive butt.

So, here you are again after Obama showed you that him being in Lucifer white House ain't gonna and did not make any constructive change to come to you and Afrika be you in Afrika , in America or anywhere else you might be because of institutional racism and prejudice.

Do you believe it is because I know who you thought it is because of the quality of mind we Black Africans are allowed to use to guide us and keep us self-defeated without black Afrikans lifting a body to protest against the lies and deception that is so plentifully in the mind of Lucifer to use against Afrika and yet you get all worked up over kamala, a negro who ain't got her behind on you, she is more devestating to the cause of Afrika and Black Afrikan Freedon than Obama was, don't you Black Folks see what is happening right in front of your eyes, which is disrespectful to thinking Black Loving Afrika people?

July 29, 2024


Kamala is a danger to Black Afrikan Nationalist Diaspora Afrikans Unniversal people

QuoteKamala reveals the mental illness of Black Afrikans who will vote for her, to vote for Kamala is to vote for Joe.

July 29, 2024


The Crime Committed By America Against Afrika And Black Afrikan Universal People

QuoteThe goal of any proud Black Afrikan in and out of Arika is freedom to be in A United States Of Afrika with a unified Black Afrikan Nation with Afrika being for the Black Afrikan and anybody against such frreedom for Black Afrikans is a enemy to Afrika and Black Afrikan people.

Why America Will Remain a white racist prejudiced Cultural Government and Black Afrikans with Black- self Guilt for not trusting white people and fighters for freedom to be in Afrika.

All Black Afrikans need to read this and commit to becoming Thinkers again , which will have you not be with a Self-Black Afrikan Guilt amid white ethno-centralism.

I adhere to Black Afrikan Pan One Afrika Family - OAFn Nationalism Universalism, so I do not allow the deceiving white Liberal Racist Prejudice to entangle my Divine Mind with the foundation of Thinking, which most Black Afrikans don't do anymore.

The thing that reveals white racist prejudice is Liberalism, be you Liberal, Conservative, or all in between, all being an act of racial prejudice deception with the proof being the present condition of Afrika and Black Afrikans living today in an environment of phony liberalism meaning the way white people view and behave toward Black Afrikans and Afrika.

You see, it is white people shrouded in their racist prejudice, white people have developed a color when directed at Black Afrikans, they are the devil personated and Satan, along with it, this a true statement, I know it is because of the liar and deceiver Luciferin with a history of being the Destructor of Black Afrikan Afrika Civilization, and I am not asking if this is a true statement, I know it is.

I am not here to placate to white people made out of Racist prejudice so Black Afrikans can be painted with such a broad brush who came to Afrika and did take away our identity and Land topping it off by entangling the mind of Black Afrikans so not to be again with universal dignity with self-respect.

You see, white people are those who consciously rreferred to themselves as being white because they knew they were going to paint the energy of Black Afrikan Universal people with such a broad-brush using the shade to be referred to as being Black, which is the identity of the Godly Space-Time intelligent Infinite Universe, the God presence in such a way and use the discussion of Black Afrikans in such a prejudice way it will have the world developing a behavior toward the shade Black to be of the most evil of a performance i any and every category of self-destruction, implying there ain't nothing Good to ever come from the shade Darkness its the garment of evil and Black Afrikans are the personification of that evil.

So, I have shared this truth with you to let white people know they will always be a racist prejudiced country until she humbles herself to repent for the evil she has done and still do against Black Afrikans and Afrika, this Divine Truth, about America and About Chattel Slavery and Colonialization of Afrika the way she has destroyed an entire Black Nation, and Continent by implementing the barbarous behavior of racist prejudice will follow America to the end of Time until there is a settlement of mutal agreement between the Diaspora Afrika and the Afrikan in Afrika there will never be a cessation of ememity between Black and white people and ain't no civil rights will ever be enough to correct the wrong Chattel Slavery and the Colonialization of Afrika has suffered.

The call with demand of Reparation Repatriation ain't ever going no where not until those two wrongs are settled and there is no negro can erase that fact, no matter how much the negro scratch his but and look down rubbing their head when confronted by white oligarchys!

July 30, 2024